What is Advocacy?

Advocacy is free, independent support to involve you in decisions about your health, care and wellbeing.

Advocacy is an independent service where an Advocate will help support you to understand decisions being made about you, know your rights and ensure your voice is heard.

Advocacy is free and Advocates are on your side and work with you!

Advocacy IS:


Help people have avoice

Secure their rights

Represent their interests at meetings where decisions are made

Help you understand information

Work in partnership with you

Promotes social inclusion, equality & social justice

Choice and control–explain your options

Advocacy IS NOT:

Provide long term support

Give advice

Get you everything you want

Befrienders, counselling or family

No other role in persons life

Not legal/solicitors

Say what we think is best for you

Making decisions for you


Your advocate will keep your information and details private and secure, unless there is a danger to yourself or others.

The advocate will always inform you of any time we need to share your information.

If you do not want an advocate, you do not have to have one, you can ask to stop advocacy support at anytime.

If we are unable to work with you we will try and sign post to the right services where possible.